Wedding Inspo - Bouquet Inspo Third Edition

No matter what kind of celebration we’re capturing, we know that there’s guaranteed to be some variety of magical florals involved. For us, bouquets always take the cake on wedding and elopement days, these beauties say so much about a couple, their nuptials, and their love story.

From the tiniest blooms to the biggest florals, bouquets are always one of our favorite details. Whether they’re dainty and soft or bold and bright, bouquets know how to steal the show. We love seeing our couples chose the most elegant, classic florals or even opting for something modern, colorful, and completely out-of-the-box.

2021’s bouquets were the downright dreamiest, we can’t wait to see what 2022 and beyond have in store for our floral-loving hearts!!!!

Featured Florists
Renegade Floral
Manmade and Sage
Bagels Florals
Floral Fetish
A Beautiful Theme
Mini Falls Farms
Floral Elegance
Floriography Flowers
La Flora Floristry
Viva Flora
Two Baroque Girls
Whim Hospitality
Noble Floral
The Flower Company
Stems of Austin
Good Seed Floral
Rose Rebels Floral Design
Foraged Santa Fe
Florecita Flowers
Albuquerque Florist
Something Special with Flowers

Weddings + Elopements by the Alicia Lucia Photography Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography

Wedding Inspo - Groom Style, 4th Edition

Everyone who knows us already knows that we adore featuring our incredibly gorgeous brides all over the blog, but what about the grooms? Every year, we dedicate a special blog to all of the amazing dudes we get to meet on wedding and elopement days and, of course, take the opportunity feature their killer style.

With all of the changes to weddings in 2020, its no surprise that so many of our grooms opted for unique style choices. Whether it was a pastel blue suit, a simple yet breezy dress shirt paired with slacks, a sleek camel coat with boots, or even a classic black tux, all of the stellar outfit choices these handsome fellas made did not disappoint one bit.

We adore getting to see grooms express their personalities on wedding days, even if its through a simple attire choice, we’re beyond hyped to see what 2021 grooms have in store for us!

Our Favorite Groom Attire Designers + Shops
Ralph Lauren
J. Crew
Limatus Bespoke
Don Morphy
The Black Tux
Tom James
Men’s Wearhouse
Tommy Hilfiger
Kenneth Cole
Suit Supply
Ted Baker
Jos A. Banks
Suits Unlimited

Weddings + Elopements by Alicia, Ashley, Bre, and the ALP Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography

2021 Wedding + Elopement Trends

Despite all of the uncertainty and struggle of 2020, we’ve seen so many amazing things start to take hold in the wedding industry. From recognizing how amazing small, intentional celebrations can be to couples taking chances on brand new ideas for their special day, we’ve truly been in awe over all of it. We’re hoping that a few of the trends we’ve been crushing on become major elements of weddings and elopements in 2021!

We’re currently obsessed with:
- unique + colorful bridal gowns
- bright + funky florals
- soft baby’s breath bouquets
- tiny, intimate ceremonies with just friends + family
- unique, avant-garde cakes

Weddings + Elopement by Alicia, Ashley, Bre, and the ALP Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography

Valentine's Feature - Romantics We Heart

Valentine’s Day will forever be one of our favorite little holidays around and what better way to celebrate than with some of our favorite lovers from some of the most beautiful days ever?!

Last year we were treated to so much unforgettable magic and a lot of pretty incredible love stories so we absolutely had to take one more chance to put all of our most memorable romantics together in one little blog.

Cheers to love and celebrating its wonder every single day of the year.

Featured Wedding + Elopement Venues and Locations
Ginger Ranch (Fredericksburg, TX)
Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm (Albuquerque, NM)
Sunset Ranch (Fredericksburg, TX)
Hotel Andaluz (Albuquerque, NM)
Casa Perea (Corrales, NM)
Camino Real Ranch (Austin, TX)
The Desert Compass (Albuquerque, NM)
Cannon Beach (Portland, OR)
White Sands National Park (Southern NM)
Downtown Denver (Denver, CO)
Old Town Farm (Albuquerque, NM)
The Olana (Dallas, TX)
Pecos National Historical Site (Pecos, NM)
Camp Lucy (Dripping Springs, TX)
White Mesa (Albuquerque, NM)
Paradise Ranch (Pagosa Springs, CO)

Weddings + Elopements by Alicia, Ashley, Bre, and the ALP Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography

Valentine's Feature - Florals We Heart

Out of all of the pretty things we’ve laid our eyes on, florals are always the detail that take our breath away. From the bright and bold to the delicate and soft, we’re obsessed with it all!

Over the last year we’ve been beyond lucky to capture so many incredibly divine floral creations from all over Southwest, the Pacific Northwest, and everywhere in-between. We’ve been completely obsessed with the new, brilliant ideas coming out of the tiny weddings and elopements of 2020. All of the insanely beautiful hanging installations and the dainty bouquets have us dreaming forever and ever.

We beyond hyped to see what new beauty 2021 brings to the realm of florals, but until then, feast your eyes on some of the most darling creations of all!

Featured Florists
Floral Fetish (Albuquerque, NM)
Renegade Floral (Santa Fe, NM)
Bagel’s Florals (Albuquerque, NM)
Albuquerque Florist (Albuquerque, NM)
Florecita Flowers (Albuquerque, NM)
A Beautiful Theme (Albuquerque, NM)
Marisa’s Millefiori (Santa Fe, NM)
Flower Loop (Albuquerque, NM)
The Flower Company (Albuquerque, NM)
Floral Elegance (Albuquerque, NM)
Rose Rebels Floral Designs (Albuquerque, NM)
Noble Floral Co (Portland, OR)
Stems Floral (Austin, TX)
Uptown Flowers (San Antonio, TX)
Good Seed Floral (Austin, TX)

Weddings, Elopements, and Styled Shoots by Alicia, Ashley, Bre, and the ALP Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography

2020 - Moments with Alicia Lucia Photography

2020 was by far one of the most challenging years our team has ever faced, yet through all the difficult descisons and make-or-break moments, we still found the light on the other side of it all.

After an intense global pandemic forced our weddings and shoots to a screeching halt, we weren’t sure what to do, but somehow we found a new path and gained a better perspective on our lives, our business, and our community. We found new ways to capture weddings/elopements and support our couples as they navigated this insane year. And we also found even more opportunities to create beauty through styled shoots and portrait sessions. If one thing is sure, 2020 reminded us of why we set out to do what we do in the first place: love. Watching love win over and over and over again this year, despite all of the odds was something to behold. And we once again fell in love with with what we have the immense privilege of doing, capturing those undeniably beautiful moments of pure joy.

The biggest thank you from the bottom of our hearts goes out to every single couple, family, and individual who continually put their trust in us during a year where everything was uncertain, yet everything mattered even more. And to all of our vendor friends, thank you for riding this one out with us, we’ve never had so much faith in the wedding community as we do right here and now.

No year will ever be quite like 2020, and while we’re grateful to see beacons of hope at start of the new year, we’re forever be grateful for the year that gave us all a chance to start anew and to believe in the magic that is love.

Weddings, Elopements, Styled Shoots, and Portrait Sessions by the Alicia Lucia Photography Team
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia