Wedding Inspo - Summer Wedding Florals Second Edition

Even though fall wedding season is quickly approaching, we couldn’t help but share some of our favorite, recent summer bouquets. From the insanely colorful floral arches to the soft, subdued reception centerpieces, to the bold and bright bridal bouquets, summer weddings always bring a wide palette of color options! We adored every single one of these florals and can’t wait for what beauty the rest of this season will bring!

Featured Florists
Forth & Floral
Renegade Floral
The Bouqs Co.
Bloomstream Flowers
Florectia Flowers
Mauldin’s Flowers

Weddings by Alicia, Ashley, Bre and Cameron of Alicia Lucia Photography
Blog + Photo Curation by Jaclyn of Alicia Lucia Photography


Morgan + Mattie, a Southwestern Inspired Rehearsal Dinner


Venue Feature - Hacienda Doña Andrea de Santa Fe